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Supervising the historical study of the Interescaut site in Schelle

Design Sciences Hub is providing academic expertise in the supervision of the historical study of the Interescaut site in Schelle by architecture and study bureau Altstadt.
Interescaut is Electrabel's former power plant, located along the River Scheldt at the Rupel estuary. The once largest coal-fired power plant in Europe was inaugurated in 1930. For seventy years, steam boilers and turbines continued to run until electricity production ceased in 2000. In 2016, Electrabel stopped all activity there, and paths for reuse and development are being explored. The building historical investigation will provide grounds for a retrofit assessment in the next phase.

  • Team:
    • Inge Bertels (Promotor)
    • Frederik Vandyck (Co-promotor)
  • Period:
    • 2023 — 2023  