Mobility Capabilities in Linkeroever, Antwerp
Several urban renewal projects in Linkeroever focus on innovation in mobility and logistics. Embedding new functions in an existing residential fabric requires a closer look into the specific conditions and capacity of the area and its residents.
Mobicap studies the current barriers and potential leverages for mobility capabilities in three sites in Linkeroever. Based on existing data, we gain insight into these areas' broader socio-spatial characteristics. We furthermore gather micro-stories based on interviews with residents emphasizing their individual mobility experiences to understand local needs and dynamics better. In particular, we investigate their knowledge of transport-related options and the skills to deploy them, their travel behavior, and the perceived accessibility of the places they (wish to) reach. Through interviews with experts and local organizations, we detect relevant stakeholders and mobility-related initiatives present in the neighborhood. The aim is to identify the possibilities and limitations experienced by residents, as well as the opportunities arising in the neighborhoods regarding future change toward sustainable and innovative mobility.