Commuting patterns in the Belgian construction industry

Commuting patterns in the Belgian construction industry

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DSH and ULiège collaborate on a solution-oriented study on commuting of construction workers

Due to the nature of the work in the construction industry, with changing site locations, different skills needed throughout construction processes, and the logistical challenge of getting the right materials and right workers together on site every day, mobility is a critical issue for construction companies and their employees. Construction workers often operate on alternating construction sites and have thus little immediate say in their work location. In a context where companies are working on site locations scattered across the Belgian territory and congestion on the Belgian road network continues to increase steadily, this can lead to long commutes between home and site. Following the 2023-2024 sector agreement, the Mobility Working Group was set up within Paritary Committee 124 to address these challenges around mobility with respect for work-life balance in the sector.

This working group and sector organisation Constructiv have assigned a team of researchers from Design Sciences Hub and Université de Liège to map the sector's commuting patterns. The research approach will be set up in co-creation with the client and aims to employ various methods to closely involve the sector. By gaining insight into trajectories, habits and issues, the study will develop solution-oriented recommendations in addition to commuting analysis. To create a thorough understanding of current challenges and feasibility of remedial measures, the perspective of both employers and employees will be equally integrated in the study. We thereby consider a range of facets affecting transport and keep a wide perspective on possible adjustments for improvement. Good practices from neighbouring countries and other sectors can serve as inspiration for such solutions and will supply information for the study’s subsequential recommendations.

  • Team:
    • Thomas Vanoutrive (Promotor)
    • Dirk Lauwers (Co-promotor)
    • Lisa De Vos (Research Fellow)
  • Period:
    • 2024 — 2025   (ongoing)
    Partner(s): Client(s):
    • Constructiv
    • Paritary Comittee 124 - Working Group Mobility