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Supporting mobility professionals and social workers in mitigating the social impact of Low Emissions Zones in the EU

The social impact of Low Emission Zones is often underestimated. As more than 200 European cities have introduced LEZs to restrict access for polluting vehicles, these measures can exacerbate mobility challenges for low-income populations. These population groups are often assumed to significantly benefit from improved air quality in LEZ zones as they tend to inhabit the areas where air pollution levels are highest. At the same time, they are the ones most frequently relying on older, less environmentally friendly vehicles, with limited means to access more sustainable alternatives.

Professionals working in public authorities on implementing LEZ, other mobility policies, and social work with vulnerable population groups, face challenges to adapt their support to the contextual change induced by car-regulation policies. The LEZ4all-project answers the need for professionals working on LEZ or whose work is impacted by LEZ to better comprehend the relation between mobility and a just transition towards inclusive sustainable urban living environments.

The project will include:
A survey: conducted in key cities such as Barcelona, Brussels, Lyon, and Madrid, this study will assess the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of professionals regarding the social impacts of LEZs.
Workshops and experiments: social workers and mobility experts will test innovative working methods.
Development of resources: production of professional training modules, including a guide for trainers, to equip professionals in supporting vulnerable groups.